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Thursday, October 28, 2010


To get the most out of the foods we eat especially plant foods, it is to our advantage to eat them raw whenever we can. It is natural for our digestive system to eat a high alkaline diet and our phsiology in general to consume plant food in its raw state to get the full benefits of the phytochemicals found in plant based foods. These "bio-chemicals" give our bodies the boost that it needs to keep our immune system running at full capacity and it is easier to digest. This is probably the way that nature intended for us to eat our food but we discovered thousands of years ago that cooking our food made it easier to chew and in some cases it made the food taste better.
Try consuming roughly 50-70% of your plant food in its raw state for about 2 weeks and see if you notice any change in your health. This may not be long enough to see major changes but i tend to notice that i feel light on my feet and very energetic when i eat a diet high in raw veggies and fruits. I don't go overboard on my plant based as i like to indulge occasionally on treats such as ice cream and chocolate. I still believe in enjoying life. EATING-VEGGIES.COM

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I watched a show last night on Discovery health. It was hosted by Dr. Mehmet Oz of "Oprah" fame. It was a wake up call to all men of middle age and poor health. You know who you are. It was just more evidence that a high alkaline, raw food diet is just what we need to keep our health at optimal levels. The people who ate the raw fruits, nuts and veggies for 12 days were very motivating for me as i do have my points of weakness. My wife told me that she thinks i should swear off of meat for good. She has been vegetarian for a while now. This too was motivating for me as i have been dealing with a KFC fried chicken fantasy for a couple of days now. The impact that 12 days of alkaline raw eating had made on these people's health was amazing. I just need to work on my consistency.

Another section of the show that was a motivating factor was the erectile dysfunction story. I already eat lots of raw garlic almost everyday so their remedy was nothing new to me but as a male approaching the Viagra years of my life, it is never too soon to do better everyday. The men in the show ate 6 cloves of raw garlic everyday for a couple of months without changing their diet and most were able to maintain an erection after the experiment was finished. There is a controversy as to how much good garlic does for removing bad cholesterol from the cariovascular system but it could't hurt. Becoming more physically active would help my cause much more than garlic at this point. Eating-Veggies.com 
Randy Powell

Monday, October 11, 2010


 Obesity in America is at an all-time high according to research released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Just look around, the evidence is everywhere! Almost 70% of the country is overweight and the numbers are rising. The number of fat kids walking the malls is increasing at an alarming rate. Fat parents teaching their fat children how to eat in the same disgusting way that they have learned to eat means that this problem is not going away any time soon.

 Betwen the poor excuse that they call school "lunch" and the processed stuff that they eat at home, most kids are destined to be overweight and diabetic. Exercise and a lot of veggies is one sure way to beat this and should be part of your children's daily activity. For that matter, the parents of these kids should consider doing things outdoors with their children several days a week. Make exercise a family event and beat obesity and diabetes. Eating-veggies.com

Monday, October 4, 2010


 Aside from  the ever present high blood pressure problem, diabetes seems to be the curse that ravages the north American population. It is common (especially in the African American community) to see someone in a wheelchair with a lower leg amputated due to diabetes. There are millions of people walking the street right now who don't have a clue that they have developed diabetes and will allow the problem to get worse due to lack of knowledge and the "that can't happen to me" attitude. I guess the constant bombardment of advertising selling refined starches, hyper-sweetened food products and alcohol is making a lot of money for the Big Medicine companies at the expense of the lives of the American people.

 Eating a diet high in alkaline foods will help keep your blood sugar levels lower due to the fact that these foods are low glycemic and very nutritious. Besides providing your body with minerals and phytonutrients, these foods will encourage your body to burn your own body fat as fuel. Remember to eat over half your daily food intake in the form of alkaline foods to fight disease, viruses and obesity. You will feel much more energy and move lighter on your feet as your body begins to return to its natural state of existence.

 The human body works most efficiently in state of low blood sugar. Not so low that you pass out, just enough carbohydrates as you need to burn as energy over the course of the day. Try spreading your meals out as several small meals instead of gorging on food once or twice a day. We cannot expect to keep our health at its best when we continue to wolf down deep-fried potatoes, doughnuts and sugar-laden breakfast cereals while washing down fast food lunches with 32 oz soft drinks. The effect that all those refined starches and sugars have on your cardiovascular system compile over time and the damage is hard to reverse. The answer is to slow the damage NOW by cutting WAY back on those high sugar drinks and eating wheat products that are 100% WHOLE wheat (or 100% whole grain). Beat diabetes with a diet of 50-80% alkaline foods