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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reduce Diabetes Risk With Exercise


 This is just another reason that type 2 diabetes has become out of control... lack of exercise. Most people would rather be asleep or in front of the television rather than spend a little time every day getting a little bit of a workout. Teaching your body how to burn blood sugar through regular exercise is a very important part of type 2 diabetes control and needs to be takien more seriously by those who suffer with this disease.
The following article is writte and posted at NYR Natural news, written by a "staff writer". Any time that someone is willing to shout the benefits of exercise on type 2 diabetes then I think they should be heard.


16 January, 2014
Natural Health News — If you are a woman the chance of developing type-2 diabetes can be cut significantly with just three and a half hours of exercise a week. But the type of exercise matters.

It has long been known that aerobic exercise on its own can prevent type-2 diabetes. Likewise muscle-strengthening alone or in combination with aerobic exercise improves diabetic control among those with diabetes. In particular, studies show that men who weight train have been found to have an associated reduced risk of developing diabetes.
What is less well established is whether such an association also exists for women.Writing in the journal PLOS Medicine, Harvard researchers attempted to find out.

They looked at a large population 99,316 of healthy women, drawn from two 8-year long studies: the Nurses’ Health Study ([NHS] 2000-2008) and Nurses’ Health Study II ([NHSII] 2001-2009).

The goal was to determine whether their weekly time spent performing lower intensity muscular conditioning exercises (resistance exercise, yoga, stretching, toning), and aerobic moderate and vigorous physical activity reported at the beginning of the studies, and during follow-up halfway through, 2004/2005 was associated with a reduced risk of new onset of diabetes.
They found that resistance exercise and lower intensity muscular conditioning exercises were both independently associated with a reduced risk for diabetes, even after adjusting for aerobic activity and many other potential confounding factors.

Women who engaged in at least 150 min per week of aerobic activity and at least 60 min per week of muscle-strengthening activities had a substantial 33% risk reduction compared with inactive women. But even just an hour’s workout every week cut the risk by 13%.

The authors say the study’s findings need to be taken in context: the physical activity was self-reported by questionnaire (and therefore subjective), and the study population consisted of nurses with mostly European ancestry 9and therefore may not apply to other ethnicities).

Even so they conclude: “The findings from our study…suggest that incorporating muscle-strengthening and conditioning activities with aerobic activity according to the current recommendation for physical activity provides substantial benefit for [diabetes] prevention in women.” 

 As a type 2 diabetic, you have two choices: either start getting more exercise or remove nutrient deficient calorie dense foods from your diet. Eating refined starches and sugars while being inactive can lead to weight gain and if you eat high fat foods like most Americans do then you are well on your way to being sick and diseased all the time. It is important that you eat nutrient dense foods that are high in anti inflammatory properties. Eat nutrient dense alkaline foods to beat diseases like type 2 diabetes

Randy Powell, Eating-Veggies.com

Monday, January 6, 2014

Burn Fat and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

 Being a success at reversing Type 2 diabetes depends greatly on the patient’s ability to remove excess body fat. Far too many calories and the presence of insulin that is continuously pumped into the bloodstream eventually will make you fat and insensitive to insulin. This is called pre-diabetes and usually develops into type 2 diabetes. Eating a diet low in fat yet high in nutrients is important for your body as it tries to heal itself.

 The following guest article is written by Sarah Westcott of the Express, a media outlet in the United Kingdom. This informative article mirrors the success that a low calorie diet can possibly have on the reversing of type 2 diabetes. I t is very important to get body fat under control as this is probably the first step in beating this disease. It is a well written report that has the research to back up its claims. Good luck to all who may give this method a try.


How a strict diet of 800 calories a day can cure diabetes in weeks MILLIONS of people with Type 2 diabetes have been given fresh hope after researchers discovered a short-term “crash diet” can reverse the killer ­condition.

Published: Mon, January 6, 2014

Overweight patients who were put on a diet of just 800 calories a day were free of the disease within a few weeks of following the strict regime.

Experts last night hailed the results as “enormously exciting” and are now working on a trial to test whether the reversal of this form of the disease could be permanent.

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people of working age and a major cause of lower limb amputation, kidney failure and stroke.

In the UK, there are some three million people living with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and around 850,000 more who have Type 2 diabetes but don’t know it because they haven’t been diagnosed.

As many as seven million people are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and if current trends continue, an estimated five million people will have diabetes by 2025.

The diet, which was tested on 11 patients, is a key part of a new £2.4million medical trial of almost 300 people with obesity-induced diabetes.

Professor Roy Taylor, of Newcastle University, who led the study, said: “We demonstrated that by changing calorie intake we could change fat levels in the liver and pancreas and return insulin production to normal.

“The new study is to see whether GPs can use this approach to reverse diabetes in their patients and whether it will stay reversed. The evidence is that it will, but we need a large-scale trial to prove that it works.”

Professor Taylor, and Professor Mike Lean, from Glasgow University, will be jointly overseeing the new trial.

They used MRI scans to watch how crash dieting removes fat around the liver and pancreas.

In healthy people, the liver should contain around two per cent of fat, but in obese people, it can reach 40 per cent and suppress insulin production. Professor Taylor said the results were “enormously exciting”.

He added: “The good news is that if you cut fat in the diet then the liver fat falls very rapidly and that means the pancreas can start working again.”

The new study will see 280 patients with Type 2 diabetes monitored for several years – with half of them on a crash diet for eight to 20 weeks.

Professor Lean said: “We’re confident that some people with Type 2 will be able to achieve remission.

“But what we really want to know is how many can do it.

“If our analysis shows this approach is both effective and cost-effective, our aim will be to produce a programme that can be implemented in the NHS as soon as possible.”

Diabetes UK said that the approach was promising and said that, if the results are positive, the impact on patients will be “huge”.


Many diabetes patients are not going to do the research and find a way to improve their diabetic situation. They will be happy with just taking their medications and eating all the wrong foods against their doctor’s wishes. It takes self discipline and a great will to live in order to beat any disease but after watching others suffer a die without a fight makes me wonder if the general public has become satisfied with just giving up on life like a bunch of ignorant livestock. Reverse type 2 diabetes with a diet high in alkaline foods

Randy Powell, Eating-Veggies.com


Re-teach your body to burn fat!


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Does Resistant Potato Starch Help with Type 2 Diabetes?

 Learning to control or reverse Type 2 diabetes is becoming a priority in the lives of millions of people in America and around the world. I have been advocating a low fat, moderate carb, animal-free diet for some time now and think that it really does a great job at reversing the disease. Of course the key is to eat 60-80% of your diet in the form of alkaline foods, especially alkaline vegetables. These low sugar foods are full of phytonutrients needed to heal your cells and helps to get them functioning to the point of improving your ability to metabolize blood glucose. There are some diabetic patients who have discovered the method of using resistant potato starch to keep blood sugar levels under control. This is the area in which I intend to focus most of this article.

  There are many people out in the world who have done an excellent job reversing their type 2 diabetes and they should be highly commended.  Some do it on a very low fat vegan diet and others have been successful on a low carb, meat eating diet. I strongly encourage you to take one of these paths and see if it will work for you. This article was written by Steve Cooksey of the Diabetic-Warrior.net. He has been a success at getting off of diabetic medications by following a low carb paleo diet and he loves it! It is long and very well written but should give you plenty of information on the subject of resistant starch and low carb dieting.


Resistant Starch: Why? Q & A

This entry was posted in activities and tagged diabetes resistant starch on January 2, 2014 by Steve Cooksey.
  I am about half way through the 30 Day Resistant Starch Experiment. I wanted to give an update, clarify a few things and to answer a few questions.

Quickly… if you do not know what Resistant Starch is, read this Intro Post first… please. :)


Do NOT dismiss ‘resistant starch’ because of the word ‘starch’ … it should be called ‘resistant fiber’.

Do not be like one woman I know.

She made the statement, “Resistant Starch does not work well for me.”

When asked if she had ever tried it … she replied, “No”

This is the kind of ignorance we fought when going ‘low carb paleo’.


Now … on with the show. :)

Starting in Sept 2013 I began a 30 Day Recording of my Overnight Fasting Blood Glucose levels (OFBG), this was before Resistant Starch. My range for the month was 71 – 91 mg/dl, with an average of 80.87 mg/dl. I am and was ELATED with those numbers!!

I eat fatty meats, butter and coconut oil EVERY DAY, add in the leafy green veggies most days, the occasional fermented dairy and a rare ‘snack’ of nuts or berries and that comprises 99.9% of what I eat.

I was not only surviving on this … I was THRIVING on this meal plan.

I have NO REASON TO CHANGE. I love the way I eat, I love the way I feel … I love the way I LIVE!!

So why do the Resistant Starch Experiment?

If you claim to be interested in health, if you claim to care about people, if you claim to be THE ’diabetes warrior’ … how could someone not experiment?

If you read the Intro post you should know the potential benefits that apply to everyone especially diabetics. The two main benefits are…

o    Improved Insulin Resistance

o    Improved Glucose Processing

These two benefits, if true… APPLY TO ALL DIABETICS! Most diabetics struggle with this mightily.

There are an estimated 300 million diabetics in the world, and many more people who have harmful elevated blood sugars…

Given my interest in helping others, given my ‘love’ for personal experimentation… how could I not EXPERIMENT?

Why Part II (Q & A)

This next section will answer questions I often receive.

“But why? If you are thriving?”

I am doing this, not for myself … but to help others.

Through my website and social media I have come to know MANY diabetics who are struggling to maintain normal blood sugars.
Some struggle to maintain even elevated blood sugars.

I have good friends who are ‘low carb paleo’ and are struggling. Of course I will experiment if I thought I could help them…. who would not?

I am doing this to satisfy my own curiosity but also, I do occasionally eat berries and on rare occasions fruits. Too, when I exercise intensely sometimes my blood sugar levels will rise into the 130-140 mg/dl ranges… if potato starch can help me in those circumstances… I would benefit from it.

There are 100′s of millions of diabetics world wide taking and paying $100′s of millions of dollars for drugs. Not only is this a huge expense paid by the diabetics, the insurance companies and the governments… but in many cases they have harmful and damaging side effects.

If one person could wean off of drugs or insulin … this experiment would be WORTH IT!


Lastly, there are other reported benefits including improved satiety but the single largest benefit of ALL? … improved gut health. IF Resistant Starch improves gut health (and I think everyone agrees that it does) at the very least Resistant Starch is a cheap ( less than $5 per lb), inexpensive prebiotic. We are just now learning the importance of gut health to our overall health. This could be the biggest benefit of all.

Google “Prebiotic” and see… a small bottle can cost $5… many for $10 and more. One pound of resistant starch is less than $5.

What do you hope to achieve?

World Domination!! I’ve bought Potato Starch future contracts and … I’m joking. :)

I hope to prove or disprove the reported benefits. If it helps me (and it does) I want to shout the NEWS from the mountain tops! … in hopes that it helps others.

If it reduces the drug (and insulin) needs of others it’s a WIN!!!

You aren’t taking Potato Starch so you can eat junk are you?

My response to this was … HELL NO! :)

I understand why the question was asked. MILLIONS take diabetes drugs to mask the symptoms of disease, just so they can eat breads, cakes, cookies, pasta and cereals… that’s a fact.

I’m not doing this experiment so that I might be able to eat a cookie… or a cake… NEVER!!! I’ve eaten my last piece of bread, I’ve eaten my last donut… period. :)

I understood the question because I’ve seen people say that they have eaten those items and potato starch mitigated the blood sugar response. They were rejoicing because they could once again… eat ‘junk’. UGH!!!

As I have noted many times on this blog… I don’t eat breads, cakes and cookies etc for several reasons.

1) The Blood Sugar Effect

2) Glutenous, Hydrogenated Oiled, High Fructose laden crap that’s called ‘food’ … will never purposely cross my lips. I’m not going to poison my body… for a sugar rush.

It’s the principle of the thing too. If I look a diabetic in the eye and tell them… “I’m clean since 2009 and if I can do it, so can you.”

That’s a powerful statement.

3) I’ve paid TOO much money to those that profit from the pain and suffering of this planet and it’s people. I will not ever purposely contribute to the bank accounts of Big Food, Big Pharma nor the Medical Industry.

… hows that? :)

What if someone does start back eating junk food.

That’s on them, people must take responsibility for their own actions.

I was a drug and insulin dependent diabetic taking (4) insulin shots a day to survive, not to mention a long list of drugs. I’m now drug and insulin FREE thanks to a ‘low carb paleo’ lifestyle!! Should I not share this with people? Knowing that many will fall off the wagon?

Of course I should share it! Of course I should try to improve the lives of others.

What they do with this… is on them.

Early Results

For me the results are no longer ‘early’ I will flat out state …

·         FACT: Resistant Starch has reduced my Overnight Fasting Blood Sugars (read this post)

·         FACT: Resistant Starch has reduced my Blood Sugar spike post Potato (read this post)

·         FACT: Resistant Starch IS helping other diabetics. These are people I know and trust to report the results honestly and accurately. (read this post)

I mention ‘early results’ because I’m far from finished. I’ll continue to experiment with highER carb foods, exercise, etc.


Resistant Starch Information

Vast majority of what I know about Resistant Starch, I know either from Richard Nikoley’s website or links he’s published.

Special thanks to Richard Nikoley of FreeTheAnimal.com for his dogged determination to drag many of us into at least testing the claims of resistant starch. Here you can see all the posts Richard has written on “Resistant Starch“.

According to Richard, “Bob’s Red Mill Potato Starch” is the best source for resistant starch, click here for their website, You can order online from Amazon, but I’ve found it in one local grocery store via the store locator on the website.

Also according to Richard, I took and continue to take (4) TBS every day. Initially I took (1) TBS at a time, 4 times a day. Initially I had a small bump but after a couple of times my BG response went away and I began to take (4) TBS at one time.

I stirred it in water originally or cool coffee but now I add to full fat, plain yogurt or full fat sour cream.

Do NOT heat up the Potato Starch, do not cook with it. Doing so chemically changes the resistant starch into starch.

Potato Starch - I started out taking (1) TBS, four times a day. I only eat once a day so … it’s okay to take on an empty stomach. When I no longer had a BG response, I took (2) TBS twice a day, then (4) TBS once a day.

Note: If you have a sensitive stomach or have intestinal issues, you may want to try (1) TSP per day, and increment (1) before switching to TBS. Many experience flatulence … I know I did. :)

That’s about all I have… if you have any more questions… feel free to ask. :)



 I hope you enjoyed this article and can possibly use this information to better improve your type 2 diabetes to get better. Despite what many doctors tell their patients, they CAN reverse their type 2 diabetes if they are willing to put forth the effort that it takes to turn around the metabolic problem created by their own food choices. Reverse your type 2 diabetes with a diet high in alkaline foods

Randy Powell, Eating-Veggies.com