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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Don't Develop Type 2 Diabetes


 Trying to avoid developing Type 2 diabetes can be done by becoming strict with your diet and sticking to an exercise program that will allow you time to burn blood sugar and excess fat. This metabolic disorder must be corrected by disciplining yourself to eat a diet low in bad fats, low in processed starches and sugars. To beat this disease you must make proper decisions about your food consumption and you definitely can’t lie around on the sofa watching TV all weekend.


Guest Blogger: Yourmedguide.com



Heart health and diabetes

Heart health and diabetes are closely connected and heart disease is one of the most common complications of diabetes. As a diabetic, my risk for heart attack or stroke is doubled.

Can I help it?

Yes. The first step is to keep track of the ABCs of living with type 2 diabetes – my A1C, blood pressure and cholesterol levels – and make sure they’re in control. Next comes making healthy lifestyle choices that will help me stay on track and this involves adopting a diet that supports my heart health and diabetes. What I eat will make all the difference to my ABCs.

Let’s focus on a heart healthy diet today. Most people with diabetes try and follow some sort of a diet where the goal is to control carbohydrate consumption and practice portion control to keep blood sugar stable. A heart-healthy diet goes beyond carb counting; it also means ensuring that you make healthy choices from all the food groups.


Here are some tips:

  • Limit foods high in unhealthy fats and cholesterol by avoiding cooking in butter. Choose:
    • healthy cooking methods such as baking, broiling, steaming, grilling
    • Fresh foods over processed foods
    • Lean protein like beans, skinless chicken and fish
    • Low fat or nonfat dairy products
    • Include healthy unsaturated fats at least three times a week. Examples are avocados, nuts, seeds, plant based oils like canola, olives. Olive oil is rich in mono-saturated fats, which is healthy.
  • Follow a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are high in essential nutrients and fiber.
  • Limit your sodium intake especially if you have hypertension. Consult your doctor for specific advice. You can limit salt by
    • Focusing on more fresh foods and less processed foods
    • Studying food labels before you buy stuff
    • Not adding salt during the cooking process
    • Using herbs and spices to flavor your food
    • Getting rid of your salt shaker from the table
    • Being careful when you eat out as restaurant food is salt-heavy
  • While snacking, skip the chips and cookies. Instead, pack a handful of nuts, rich in heart-healthy fats.
  • I am vegetarian, but the dietician has this tip for non-vegetarians: Rather than shop chicken wings, chicken thighs or legs, buy chicken breasts as they are the leanest part of the chicken – low in cholesterol and saturated fat.
  • Avocado, the nutrition powerhouse, is a good source of healthy fat and tastes great in your salads and sandwiches
  • It is believed that a few meatless meals each week is good for the heart. Substitute meat with beans, tofu, veggies and lentils.
  • Switch from white bread to 100% whole grain bread.
  • For dessert, opt for a fruit rather than processed food.
  • Include whole grains in your diet.

As I said earlier, heart health for diabetics begins with managing your ABC levels, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising every day and eating healthy. And – taking your medication on time and as prescribed.

To summarize:

• Keep track of your blood sugar
• Manage your weight to reduce the risk of heart disease.
• Be active
Eat healthy
Take your medication as advised
• Quit smoking

Since diabetics are twice as likely to suffer from a stroke or a heart attack, making lifestyle changes that can prevent this is worth it. Protect yourself.

Stay healthy!


About Vidya Sury

I am a happy Mom, Freelance Writer, Business and Health Blogger and Social Media Explorer. I love Coffee, DIY, Music, Photography, Cooking, Family, Friends and Life. (Yes, I saved the best for last!) I believe that Happiness is a DIY Project. I also blog at Vidya Sury,Going A-Musing and Coffee With Mi I tweet as @vidyasury


 Do what is necessary to slow the development of pre-diabetes and reverse the development of Type 2 diabetes as they can lead to the development of Heart disease. Watch your diet and control your weight with the best exercise program that you can work into your lifestyle. A diet high in Alkaline foods can help you control your blood sugars.


Randy Powell, Eating-Veggies.com