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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Eat the Alkaline Foods that Burn Fat

 When eating a diet high in veggies, fruits, nuts and beans, you have to appreciate the fact that you are eating a high fat nutrient dense diet that gives the body what it needs to perform optimally. You cannot argue against eating this way because it is exactly what the American Heart Association stated that you should do to keep yourself heart healthy. Foods high in phytonutrients and minerals are not eaten enough especially in America where some people only eat a couple of servings of vegetables a week.

 To actively raise your metabolism you must eat clean and exercise consistently. Eating clean means eating healthy omega 3 fats and eating only a minimum of omega 6 fats. Avoid the hydrogenated fats and trans fats that may be responsible for millions of people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Omega 6 fats tend to cause inflammation so you should eat more omega 3 fats than omega 6 fats. Of course, you never want to consume too much fat as you don't want all those calories but when making fat choices, always eat healthy fats.

       Learn How To Cook Alkaline Rich Meals 

Alkaline diet is based on the concept that some food products leave an alkaline residue when consumed. These alkaline residues contain some important minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc that are used by our body. These minerals prevent several dangerous diseases like - cancer, obesity, tumors, allergies and increases the bone strength.

You must balance your alkaline and acid foods consumption. Having too much of the one and too little of the other can lead you not giving your body the minerals that it needs to maintain good health. You must eat a balanced diet to maximize fat loss. So it is important to consume foods from both sides of the acid alkaline chart! When eating an alkaline diet it is extremely important to balance your diet as 60-80% alkaline foods.

I don’t want to give you the idea that dieting is only for people who want to burn body fat. The truth is that the word “diet” can also mean a way of eating that a person adopts in order to promote lifelong health. Many people have lost quite a bit of weight eating an alkaline diet. So don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t slim down and improve your overall health at the same time. People who eat a high alkaline foods diet can be completely healthy in their diets as long as they make sure to eat 60-80% of your food as alkaline foods. But it is also true that many Americans over-consume protein and get much more than they actually need.

It seems that even as everyone speaks about the perils of eating a high sugar diet, the general population STILL continues to drink soft drinks in huge amounts. Drinking these sugary drinks does not contribute to burning excess body fat. This is definitely having an effect on the waistlines and blood sugar levels of millions of people and if it continues then we will go over the 100 million type 2 diabetics mark pretty soon. I am reprinting this article written by Kate Kelland and Marika Sboros and published in Business Day.


Study shows link between sugar intake, diabetes

by Kate Kelland and Marika Sboros, April 26 2013, 17:42

IT MAY taste like the best thirst-quencher on a hot summer’s day, but just one can of that sugar-laced soft drink a day increases your risk of developing diabetes by more than 20%, according to a large European study.

Using data from 350,000 people in eight European countries, the researchers found that every extra 340ml serving of sugar-sweetened drink raises the risk of diabetes by 22%, compared with drinking just one can a month or less.

"Given the increase in sweet beverage consumption in Europe, clear messages on the unhealthy effect of these drinks should be given to the population," says Dr Dora Romaguera, who led with study with a team at Imperial College London.

A 340ml serving is about equivalent to a normal-sized can of Coca-Cola, Pepsi or other soft drink.

The findings echo similar conclusions from research in the US, where several studies have shown that intake of sugar-sweetened drinks is strongly linked with higher body weight and conditions like type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a long-term condition characterised by insulin resistance that according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), affects more than 310-million people worldwide. Its incidence has been rising so rapidly in South Africa in recent years that experts have been calling it an epidemic.

Dr Romaguera’s team wanted to establish whether a link between sugary drinks and diabetes risk also existed in Europe, where the condition is shown to affect around 29-million people.

For their study, they used data from 350,000 people from Britain, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Sweden, France, Italy, Netherlands who were questioned about their diet, including how many sugary and artificially sweetened soft drinks and juices they drank each day.

Writing in the journal Diabetologia, the researchers say their study "corroborates the association between increased incidence of Type-2 diabetes and high consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks in European adults".

Fruit juice consumption was not linked to diabetes incidence.

Dr Patrick Wolfe, a statistics expert from University College London who was not involved in the research, says the message from its results is clear.

"The bottom line is that sugary soft drinks are not good for you — they have no nutritional value and there is evidence that drinking them every day can increase your relative risk for type 2 diabetes," he says, in an emailed comment.

Other nutrition specialists have just as direct in their condemnation of these drinks, because of their high sugar content, and a function of a growing body of research suggesting that sugar can be as addictive as drugs and alcohol.

Study results have been so compelling that US scientists from the University of California, San Francisco, writing in the journal, Nature in February 2012, called for sugar to be taxed and restricted in the same way as alcohol and tobacco — a call that has gone largely unheeded.

In a comment in the journal, the university’s paediatric endocrinologist and child obesity expert Prof Robert Lustig said governments needed to consider major shifts in policy, including taxes, limiting sales of sweet food and drinks during school hours, and even stopping children below a certain age from being able to buy them.

Not surprisingly, the sugar industry continues to fight back, claiming that there is no proven link between sugar intake and obesity and diabetes, and that results of studies overall are simply "inconclusive".


So what we need to remind ourselves of is that we must cut WAY back on our consumption of sugar, which makes us fat and we must eat a low fat yet healthy fat diet to keep our diet clean. And if we are going to accelerate our fat loss, we must exercise regularly. Several times a week is best. Working out and eating a diet high in alkaline foods is the healthy way to get your body back on track to functioning the way nature meant for it to do. Beat type 2 diabetes with a diet high in alkaline foods

Randy Powell, Eating-Veggies.com