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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

High Fat Diet Causes Diabetes

 I started eating a low fat vegan diet about 3 months ago as a way to control my blood sugar levels. A doctor by the name of Neal Barnard wrote a book several years ago claiming that diabetes was caused by a high fat diet and not by over consuming carbohydrates. He claims that eating a low fat vegan diet for as little as 3 weeks would begin reversing blood sugar levels of most type 2 diabetics. Supposedly droplets of fat corrupt the cells ability to respond properly to insulin thus creating a "metabolic" problem better known as diabetes.

 Well I tried it and it worked wonders. I lost weight and inches and best of all my A1C glucose numbers fell to 5.8 (a new low for me). I had always had a slow metabolism and my doctors always said that it could not be reversed. Well they were wrong and i feel the best i have felt in some time. I can't imagine what another 6 months of eating a low fat vegan diet is going to do to my body. Reverse diabetes and obesity with alkaline foods 

To your good health,

Randy Powell

Teach your man to avoid Erectile Dysfunction!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Heal Disease with Raw Foods

 Beating diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes can be as simple as changing the foods that you eat every day. These diseases are manifested through our diet of processed foods especially processed fats and sugars. The high acid diet that is so popular here in America is making a lot of people very rich as we eat their high fat, heart clogging delights and we eat them with such ignorance that is almost embarrassing(to me anyway).

 If you are already sick from these killer foods and the doctor has already put you on some kind of prescription drug then you may want to start taking serious consideration of a diet high in Raw foods. Eating a diet of 60-80 raw veggies, raw fruits, raw nuts and raw seeds can change your health and change your life. These alkaline foods provide the life giving nutrients in the form that is biologically compatible with the way that your body works!. Remember, the human body is very capable of rejuvenation and healing itself if you give it what it needs naturally. Alkaline foods heal disease