Dealing with a new eating style can be frustrating at the start. The importance of getting through the first 15-30 days is critical as your body goes through physical and psychological changes. Ask anyone with a successful dieting experience and they will tell you about the challenges staying consistent until your mind gets in the groove of wanting nutrition and not extra calories. Your mind is your biggest obstacle during this time and it can be controlled if you stay determined.
To stay lean, healthy and disease-free, you must eat a pH balanced diet everyday. Do your best to eat 50-80% of your food intake in the form of alkaline foods and you will begin to feel full of energy! Alkaline foods are mostly vegeteables and fruit. There are veggies and fruits that are not alkaline and can be eaten in moderation. Beating diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer can be greatly reduced in this world by simply eating more alkaline foods and less processed foods. Eat a high alkaline foods diet daily